State of the Union

State of the Union

Shannon Murphy, Politics Writer

President Donald Trump delivered the State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb. 5.

Trump began his speech with messages of inclusion and stressed the need for bipartisan support around future legislation. America is governed “not as two parties but as one nation,” Trump said.

Trump proceeds into his key points for the night, beginning with what he has done for the middle class. Americans must “make the middle class bigger and more prosperous than ever,” Trump said. Under this administration 600,000 jobs were created, creating the lowest rate of unemployment in half a century, Trump said. Further, people of color are experiencing all-time lows in unemployment, Trump said.

The child tax credit for families was doubled, Trump said. Further under this administration, he “virtually ended the estate tax,” Trump said. This presidency cut more regulations then any administration, which encouraged companies to continue business in America, Trump said.

Trump addressed the state of energy in the country. America has become the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world, Trump said. America has become the net exporter of energy for the first time in 65 years, Trump said. “Members of Congress,” Trump said “the state of our union is strong.” This was followed by chants of USA from the crowd.

Bipartisan change will happen but there cannot be “ridiculous partisan investigations,” Trump said. There cannot be war and investigation, Trump continues. Bipartisan legislation was already achieved in the First Steps program, Trump said.

The administration has put forth a comprehensive proposal for immigration reform, Trump said. “We must secure our very dangerous southern border,” Trump said “and put drug dealers and human traffickers out of business.” In response to more possible caravans, 3,750 American troops will be sent to the border, Trump said. Illegal immigration depletes our social safety net, Trump said. However, legal immigration enriches our nation and strengthens our society, Trump said. “The proper wall never got built, I will get it built,” Trump said “simply put walls work and walls save lives.”

Tariffs imposed on China are bringing in large amounts of revenue to the United States, Trump said. The trade deal that is underway will only be agreed to if it will directly benefit the American people, Trump said.

NAFTA is set to be replaced by a new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and America, Trump said. The new trade agreement will bring back American jobs, agriculture, intellectual property, and the automotive industry, Trump said.

Healthcare was also a key point in the address. Lower cost coverage and prescriptions are important to America, Trump said. Protections for people with pre-existing condition are necessary for fair healthcare, Trump said. Legislation that requires price transparency between healthcare providers is necessary to harbor competition that will drive down costs, Trump said.

Trump also addressed the new legislation regarding abortion in New York. Fetuses are being ripped from the mothers’ wombs minutes from birth, Trump said. As Americans, we must prohibit late term abortions to protect these unborn babies, Trump said. In America we must “build a culture to cherish innocent life,” Trump said “all children born or unborn are made in the image of God.”

Since this administration took over, members of NATO have started paying their fair share into the defense budget, Trump said. Countries are now contributing $100 billion to the NATO defense budget, Trump said. If this administration did not take the presidency, there would be a major war with North Korea, Trump predicts.

In the Middle East, this administration is working on principle realisms and not discredited theories, Trump said. Over 7,000 troops have given their lives in the Middle East, and no more should be given in this endless war, Trump said. We must try for peace, Trump said.

Trump then proceeded to end his speech. “God bless America,” Trump said, as he exited the chambers.