Spring Cleaning

March 30, 2023
Spring Cleaning is Upon Us!
If you are like me, and you love the spring season but you feel overwhelmed with clutter and chaos, then don’t worry, I wrote this article just for you.
There are many tips and tricks to help organize and clean where you are not overworking yourself everyday. So grab some gloves and rags and let’s get started! One tip that has proven beneficial to me is cleaning one room at a time each day. First, you start off with clearing everything off the counters and wipe them down, using some microfiber cloths and an all-purpose cleaner. Now, sort through the items and designate what is to be used, stored, given away, and what is trash. Finally, put the items that you want to use back on the counter and anything else is put to the side to take care of later. Also, listening to music is also helpful when cleaning, whether it’s your own playlist or even classical music. It helps to keep your body moving, and allows you to focus on the music rather than focusing on the intimidating clutter that you are tending to. Another tip I use when diving into my spring cleaning sessions is also taking 30-minute breaks in between large projects (and yes, I do time my breaks). It is less stressful on the mind when you take a well-deserved break after doing all the laundry that has to be done or even organizing your drawers and cabinets. There are several other tips and tricks you can search on Google (or on Tiktok and YouTube) to help you to accomplish those daunting tasks and help to achieve your cleaning goals during this spring season. So let’s spring into action this season! Good luck, reader!