OCC’s Poetry Festival

April 2, 2023
OCC is hosting a poetry festival the first week of April.
This is the twenty second annual OCC poetry festival. The first week of April will have several events to celebrate poetry.
The poet Timothy Liu will be making an appearance at OCC on April 3. Liu will be performing his latest poetry in the Grunin Theatre at 11 a.m. After his performance Liu will be taking questions from students on his poems and writing process.
Professor Jayanti Tamm and her creative writing class will be hosting an open mic poetry reading on April 5. The open mic will be held in the Instructional building lobby from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The event will consist primarily of Tamm’s class performing. It is an open event to all students and everyone that arrives is encouraged to perform.
To end the poetry festival Tamm will be hosting a reading of T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” on April 6. The reading will be held in room 104 in the Gateway building at 12:30p.m. “The Waste Land” begins with the line “April is the Cruelest Month”. This line led to April being National Poetry Month.